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The Forerunner of Baddeck

Scary light in woods

Situated on the shores of the beautiful Bras d’Or Lake, in the heart of Cape Breton lsland,Nova Scotia, lies a small village called Baddeck. With a history stretching back to early Mi'kmaq, French and British settlements, Baddeck also has its share of Ghost Stories and Forerunners.

The following story was written by Mary L. Fraser

As you approach beautiful Baddeck from Margaree, your motor runs smoothly up and down the rugged mountain sides giving you an endless variety of scenery. 

You play hide and seek with Cape Breton's far-famed lakes which show you a new phase of their beauty at every height you climb; while your artistic sense is charmed by the variegated coloring of the trees, shrubs and undergrowth which surround you on all sides.

Before the advent of automobiles and their attendant good roads, driving through this district was not as pleasant as it is to-day. The distances were great, and the roads were poor. 

A doctor who lived at Baddeck, had a large country practice, and had to drive a long distance along these lonely roads to minister to his patients. One night, he was returning from one of these sick calls, when all at once, his horse stood still, and no persuasion would make him go on.

Then the doctor saw a light coming towards him. Nearer and nearer it approached until it stood just in front of him. Then gradually there appeared in its midst the outline of a human face, which by degrees evolved into a countenance so beautiful that he could not tire of looking at it.

At last it began to grow dimmer and dimmer, until it disappeared into the ball of light; then this, too, faded away. The doctor was so much impressed by it that although it was after midnight when he reached home, he awakened his wife to tell her of the strange happening; then he lay awake all night thinking about it.

A week later a man, his wife and child, were traveling along the same road in a sulky, when one of the wheels came off, and all three were pitched out. A hurried call brought the doctor to the scene of the accident. It was the very spot where his horse had been stopped a week before. 

He went first to attend the woman who was moaning and groaning; then he picked up the child, who was lying perfectly still. At a glance he saw it was dead. Its beautiful face he recognized as the face he had seen in the ball of light. 

If you know of any other stories from this area, or have a story of your own that you would like to share, we would love to hear from you! 

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