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She talks to Angels!

Young girl with Angel wings

 My granddaughter has been seeing, communicating and even rescuing stuck spirits since she has been able to speak. She is only six years old now.

She has been told, Angels have never walked the earth. They, in her words, "were never peoples". God made Angels. She also gets upset when she sees pictures of Angels with faces. She told me because Angels never lived, are not men or women, God didn't need to give them faces.

 The best part of her beliefs is that her parents are not one bit religious, and other than being baptized (to make grandparents happy), she has not been taught anything religious or about religion. She doesn't understand the word.

However, God is in her daily discussion about the world and she tells us all the time "He" sent her to us!

Thank you Kim, for allowing us to share your story!

The paranormal world can very fascinating! If you are from Nova Scotia, and have experienced something paranormal, or a event that happened to someone you know, we would love to share your story! 

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