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A Creepy Devilish Ghost!

Vintage sketch of old bathroom

When I was a kid, we lived in a farmhouse that was over 100 years old. There was a lot of activity there. 

For instance, we had no bathroom in the old house, because all it had when we moved in was an outhouse outside, a sink in the kitchen, and a claw foot bathtub in what was designated as "my" room upstairs. 

In the wintertime, Mom and Dad moved us all downstairs, the easier to heat the rooms with the coal stoves we had for heat and cooking. I never minded because my room was a scary place at night, and it was nice to share a room with my brother and know that my parents were in the next room all winter long.

I dreaded moving back upstairs in the summer. I also hated bath night, because it meant that Mom would put the kerosene heater in my bedroom, run the tub, and heat up some towels and my nightgown. Then she would shut the door so I could have my bath before it was my brother's turn. 

Some nights, the closet door would just open and slam shut repeatedly (but I was by now well used to that.). But I remember one night in particular, I no sooner had gotten into the bath than my mother was calling for me to come out. There was a vent in my floor that connected my room to the living room, and it was just over the coal stove in that room downstairs. So I hollered down the vent to see what Mom wanted rather than putting my clothes back on and running downstairs. 

Mom nearly had a fit. What was I doing out of the tub? Well, she gave me a piece of her mind about dawdling in my room instead of bathing like I was supposed to, and I took the rebuke, because I was totally confused. She had called to me. I had heard her! So back to the tub and the rapidly cooking water I went, and no sooner did I sit down than I heard my name again. 

This time, it started out sounding like Mom but towards the end, the person started laughing and laughing and I knew right then and there it wasn't my mother who'd been calling to me. Fastest bath by a tween EVER!! I was in and out so fast, I don't even think I got all the soap off. Then I realized I'd have to go down the stairs in the dark, and that was another hot spot in the house, but luckily my Mom was already at the bottom of the stairs with my brother waiting for his turn to come up. 

First and only time I heard a "creepy voice" in that house but getting touched, tickled and grabbed...well, that was just any regular day there!

Written by: Maureen C.

Have you had any ghostly encounters of your own? We would love to share your story! 

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